Jumat, 17 April 2015

Teens Should Choose moisturizing soap

Teens Should Choose moisturizing soap
Teens Should Choose a moisturizing soap. Every part of the body will change and experience the process of aging, including skin. However, many people especially women who do not experience it. No wonder many ways and many anti-aging products so coveted women to avoid skin aging.
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Dr Oky E. Kartiwa, Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories Medical Advisor revealed that the skin aging process can not be stopped, but only slowed the process. "One way is to maintain healthy skin as a teenager and using cleaning products according to skin type," advises Dr. Oky in launching new products Oilum The Birdcage, Jakarta.
In order not rapidly aging skin, then he suggested to keep his health since the 20s. However, berhatilah careful when choosing cleaning products, especially facial skin. "Not all skin cleansing soap that can be used for all skin types. Because miscast soap may make your skin dry, "he said.
He added that most soaps contain active ingredients that can remove dirt and grease in the face thoroughly. However, the teenage skin conditions, this could have led to a natural fat face also lifted so that the skin becomes dry. Dryness of the skin will cause various problems such as dull skin, blackheads, wrinkles to premature aging.
To prevent this, Dr. Oky advised to choose a product or soap cleanser that is the content of moisturizer in it. The content of moisturizer can help hydrate the skin as a result of erosion of the active ingredients of soap and prevent moisture loss.
"For teens in addition to using a cleanser that contains moisturizers, you should also avoid using cosmetics that contain alcohol," he concluded.

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