Senin, 20 April 2015

Benefits of Using Night Cream

Benefits of Using Night Cream

There are still many women who do not use a night cream before bed. Though treat skin at night is also very important to nourish the face.

Night cream and day cream are two different types of skin care. Day cream can not be used as a night cream, and vice versa. Generally contain SPF day cream. Meanwhile, night cream, contains more moisturizer and texture are usually more severe.
cream pemutih wajah

dr rochelle skin expert

dr rochelle skin expert

dr rochelle

Why is it so important night cream to use? because when the night when skin beristarahat, cream more easily penetrate into the skin. So that the benefits of these creams can work more optimally. Night cream is usually divided into two categories, as an anti-aging night cream and cream to moisturize.

-Krim Night for Anti-aging
Anti-aging creams or anti-aging called firming, anti-wrinkle or withdrawal. The kind of night cream products usually contain ingredients retinol, glycolic acid, acetic acid and retinyl salicyclic. The entire material helps to get rid of old skin and replaced with new skin. By using night cream with anti-aging formula, fine lines and wrinkles can fade, the skin becomes firmer and strengthen the skin from the harmful effects of the sun during the day. So you need a night cream.

-Krim Night to Give Humidity
Night cream to provide extra moisture is often called ultra-hydrating and nourishing deep. In the evening it is dry skin, so it needs extra moisture.

The following are the overall benefits of using a night cream:

-Memelihara And skin merevitasisasi
-Provide Extra moisture
-Make More supple skin
-Merangsang Production of collagen and elastin
-Increase Blood circulation
Reduce the signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines and facial blemishes
Accelerating the turnover of new skin.

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