In Indonesia, which has a tropical climate, the cooling area or Air Conditioner (AC) main true for the great sebahagian Indonesian citizens. AC is required each time, at home, office and other public places. AC which is used at home capable of up to 24 hours nonstop.
But need you to know, that the AC has a negative risk for the health of the body if used in a manner consistent shots. Excessive dr rochelle skin expert use of which exceeded certainly bad for our bodies. Here's an explanation of negative effects on health agencies AC:
1. Skin so dry
Spent many hours at a time when Air-conditioned locations could cause you to lose moisture and skin skin dry. Especially if you do not support keeping the skin moist with applying lotion. Because of severe cases of dry skin which will result in eczema or other skin diseases
2. Exposure to disease and fatigue regularly
Experiencing chronic headaches and fatigue can superfluous and that the effect of the frequency of the AC when wearing work or at home. Work in the building and in a way still being exposed to the cold of the air conditioner may cause irritation of mucous membranes and trouble breathing. And more susceptible to disease such as flu, colds and other illnesses.
3. The inability of the body to face the heat
Exceeded because it is not uncommon to spend time in the cool air conditioning location, body leaning hard to tolerate temperatures will heat period. Subject is capable of resulting stress causes the body to move from a cold to a hot outdoor locations reply. The occurrence of cases of death due to hot weather because the body can not tolerate heat.
4. Creating a more severe disease state
It was found that the air conditioner together using a central system could create a disease that affects can be more severe. AC create the 'feel' the pain became more difficult and dangerous factor for those who experience pain. Rarely does not utilize any AC recognized as improving the symptoms of low blood pressure, arthritis and neuritis.
5. Respiratory Problems
spreading germs also micro-organisms that cause respiratory problems. Because researchers have found eight categories of germs that live on 22 of the 25 cars that are already in a test try.
Caught AC and able to be able to spread respiratory diseases such as Legionnaire, which could be caused cough, fever to pneumonia or lung disease.
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